
Conference Agenda

Day1 10/4 (Friday) Morning

Time/PlaceTopic / Lecturer / Cardinal Shan Library Second Floor
09:00-09:15Guest registrationRegistration and registration and baggage
09:15-09:30Welcome letter from the opening ceremony of the organizer
Wu Qixun / iThome Editor-in-Chief
Jiang Hansheng / President of Catholic Fu Jen University
09:30-10:10Recent prospects for medical imaging: molecular imaging, PET/MRI machines, applications of artificial intelligence
Paul C. Wang/ Howard University, Washington, DC, USA Professor
10:10-10:40IT technology trends and application cases for medical digital transformation
Tu Shizhe / Deputy Director, Galaxy Software Services Integration Service
10:00-11:40Paper published A1
Place: 4th Floor, Cardinal Shan Library
Paper published B1
Place: 4th Floor, Cardinal Shan Library
10:40-11:00Exhibition booth visit | Interactive exchange | Refreshment
11:00-11:40 New North City Health Information System Platform
Chen Runqiu / Director of the Health Bureau of New Taipei City Government
為提升市民自主運動管理及健康飲食行為,新北市政府衛生局研發「新北動健康2.0」APP,提供民眾健康管理相關資訊及工具,以達成預防及反轉衰弱、增加市民健康壽命。系統功能包含整合個人健康資料庫、運動資料庫、營養資料庫及一般健康快訊等資訊。 民眾可輸入血壓、體重、身高等生理檢測值記錄於個人健康資料中,也可透過智能量測設備(如血壓、血糖機)量測傳輸至衛生所門診系統,作為醫師診斷之參考。另外透過App記錄每日飲食及運動習慣達成增強肌耐力之訓練,鼓勵民眾進行健康自主管理之落實。
11:40-12:10Internet attacks have become the top 10 medical hazards, and e-SOFT tells you how to balance IT and OT security
Zhang Jiawei / Aserve Technology Security Consultant
在智慧醫療的趨勢及電子病歷的發展下,醫療院所內的連網設備快速增長。在 2019 年十大醫療技術危害中,最大的風險就是來自網路的攻擊! 透過 e-SOFT SIP 資訊平台協助醫療院所自動掌握內網所有連網的 IT、OT 設備,並進行常態性的合規檢查,可大幅提升 IT 基礎架構的穩定性,以應付未來智慧醫療應用所需。
12:10-13:10Lunch exchange time and the head of the domestic medical information department
Session : Taiwan Medical Information Related Academic Directors Association
Room: MD417
Chair:Dean Ye Bingciang, College of Medicine Fu Jen Catholic University
Share: Li Youzhuan, Dean of School of Medical Science and Technology, Taipei Medical University

Day1 10/4 (Friday) Afternoon

Time/PlaceCardinal Shan Library Second Floor Conference RoomCardinal Shan Library fourth floor classroom
13:10-13:40Detection and diagnosis of infectious diseases in the digital era– a pioneer experience of healthcare-associated infection surveillance and outbreak detection in a teaching hospital in Taiwan
Yee-Chun Chen / Professor, Department of Infectious Diseases/Infection Control Center, National Taiwan University Hospital
13:40-14:10Nutanix Solutions for Smart Healthcare
Zheng Jianhua (Simon) / Nutanix Taiwan Senior Technical Manager
13:40-14:50Paper published A2
Place: 4th Floor, Cardinal Shan Library
Paper published B2
Place: 4th Floor, Cardinal Shan Library
14:10-14:50Machine Learning for Medical Informatics
Daniel So Yeung / IEEE SMC Past PresidentProfessor
14:50-15:10Exhibition booth visit | Interactive exchange | Refreshment
15:10-15:40VR in medical applications
Lai Wenjie / Senior Marketing Manager, Personal Systems Group, HP Personal Systems Group
Zhang Jiabin / CEO of Kendi Research
15:10-16:20Paper published A3
Place: 4th Floor, Cardinal Shan Library
Paper published B3
Place: 4th Floor, Cardinal Shan Library
15:40-16:20 Blockchain application in medical care
Chen Gong / Professor, Department of Asset Management, National Chengchi University
Xu Shixin / Director of the Safety Management Center of Zitong Safety Management Center of Taipei City United Hospital
本場次將分享最熱門的區塊鏈技術,如何實際運用到健康照護的場域。介紹如何在多家醫療照護機構以及第一線健康福祉服務單位之間,應用區塊鏈技術,建置一個便利有效的醫療照護資料分享平台,透過這個平台,可以提供照護人員快速安全取得受照護人分散在各醫療機構的照護紀錄,有效提升照護品質。 本場次安排雙講師,包含區塊鏈核心技術開發實務以及場域應用與配合經驗,不只說明平台開發技術也分享在不同場域實作時的經驗,包含所遭遇的困難與解決方式,期望和各位分享關鍵技術研發與健康照護場域合作的成功經驗。
16:20-16:50 Constructing the core defense strategy of the enterprise with the red team
Zhong Zehua / Dave's Career Development Manager
16:30-17:40 Paper published A4
Place: 4th Floor, Cardinal Shan Library
Paper published B4
Place: 4th Floor, Cardinal Shan Library
16:50-17:20Hunting and infiltrating hackers
Lance Chu / Zhongfei Technology Development Co., Ltd.
17:20-18:00 Innovative research and development of information on cooperation between institutions
Lai Feijun / Professor, Institute of Medical Electronics and Information Technology, Taiwan University
醫院對於資訊有非常多的期待與需求,但醫院的資訊單位為了滿足各種需求而疲於奔命,對於資訊創新研發常常覺得遙不可及;大學擁有豐沛的技術與研發人才,但是缺少可技術輸出與實作的示範個案與場域,同時也需要進一步的研究題材與資料。如何將大學豐沛的研發結果轉化成醫院科技發展的應用,進而生成有價值的產品與服務,一直是資訊創新的重要環節。 本次演講邀請同時具有大學資訊系教授以及醫院資訊單位主管經驗的賴飛羆教授分享台灣大學與附設醫院之間如何利用院校合作進行資訊創新研發的經驗,借鑑過去經驗,讓各個醫院與學校可以有更多在資訊方面的產學合作,也使台灣醫療資訊的創新研發能夠穩健前行。
18:00-18:30Transportation connection (Xinzhuang Fu Jen University to Han Pin Hotel)
18:30-20:30Exchange dinner

Day2 10/5 (Saturday)

TimeTopic / Lecturer
09:00-09:20 Welcome message | Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital representative
09:20-10:00 Smart Medical Information Policy and Safety Development
Pang Yiming / Director, Information Division, Health and Welfare Department
臺灣擁有健全的醫療體系,同時也兼具新興科技發展優勢,同時醫療體系發展高度依賴資訊產業,因此醫療資訊的應用日益頻繁與廣泛,資訊安全的威脅也與日俱增,醫療資訊的互通與應用更加多元且兼具安全與效率。 透過智慧醫療、資訊安全以及電子病歷三個面向,探討如何發展智慧醫療服務新模式,克服現有困境,配合並推動政府醫療資訊政策,強化資安防護,以期在創新科技浪潮中,準確的掌握方向,持續精進,是醫療院所資訊主管面臨的重要課題。
10:00-10:30 How to access protection from the network to ensure the security of personal resources in the medical network
Chen Yuyuan / UPAS Taizhong Computer First Business Department Project Manager
環境內部遭受到駭客攻擊,第一時間該如何查找是哪台設備所導致? 這是現在資安必須面對的第一課題,能在越短時間找到並從中解決問題,啟動相關應變機制,必能減少資安事故對公司造成的損失,保護企業內部機密資料外流及財務損失。
10:30-12:30Visiting the newly-built Chengda Hospital
12:30-12:45Closing ceremony
12:45-14:00Auxiliary Hospital B1 Buffet Lunch | The 15th General Assembly of the Taiwan Medical Information Society and the election of the Board of Supervisors
14:00Return to the home | Auxiliary Hospital connected to Banqiao Railway Station